Friday, April 29, 2016

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy

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Cassie is your typical teenager until the Others show up. For ten days everyone on Earth can see an alien ship hovering above the planet, but no one knows what they want. Then it happens, all mechanical objects stop working while Cassie is at school. Next comes the 2nd wave, tsunamis that take out billions of people. The 3rd wave is the Red Death, that pretty much kills the majority of Earth's survivors in a gruesome way. Cassie's mom dies from the plague, but Cassie's father dies in the 4th wave, when They release Silencers into the wild to gun down survivors. Now Cassie is facing the 5th wave, when the Others take over human bodies and no one can tell the difference between Them and legitimate humans; so you trust no one to stay alive. Now Cassie battles the 5th wave as she attempts to keep a promise to her little brother, and hopes she can find him still alive. The ending leaves several loose threads, so look forward to the sequel. The 5th Wave is science fiction and best for grades 9 and up.

Yancey, R. (2015). The 5th Wave. New York: Speak.

Book trailer

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