Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Feed by M.T. Anderson

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In this science fiction novel, Titus is a teenager in a fictional, futuristic Earth who travels to the moon for his Spring Break. There, he meets Violet, and while at a dance club with her, their "feeds" are hacked. Their feeds are implanted in their brains and allow them to instant message and have access to the internet at all times. Titus is able to recover from being hacked, but because Violet had her feed implanted later in life, she slowly starts to fall apart both physically and mentally. Titus has a hard time dealing with Violet's end of life demands despite the fact that they are dating. Eventually Titus decides to abandon Violet, but finally thinks twice about it and visits her after she is in a coma, moments away from death. Fans of Feed will appreciate its ability to make the reader question technology's role in society, and the parts corporations and consumerism will play in the future.

Grades 9 & up. 

Anderson, M. (2002). Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.

Lesson plans

Book Trailer

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