Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

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Melinda Sordino is a freshman at Merryweather High. Something unspeakable happened to her during the summer, and she's having a hard time facing it and readjusting to life. She's a social outcast at school, and struggles when trying to relate to friends or family. Her art class is one of the only places she begins to express herself. Once she is finally able to admit to herself that she was raped at a party, she has to deal with attending school with her rapist. Once confronted by her rapist in her safe space (a closet on campus,) Melinda is able to finally defend herself and fight off her rapist. Now her friends will know what she was going through, and Melinda finally feels like she can move forward with her life. Speak is realistic fiction novel suited for grades 7 & up.

Anderson, L. H. (1999). Speak. New York, NY: Farrar Straus Giroux.  

Lesson Plan Ideas 1

Lesson Plan Ideas 2

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